2011年9月1日 星期四

「新教育」─「讓自己行動起來」培訓工作坊New Education- 'Take Action' Workshop





此類工作坊收費一般數以百鎊計,現華心會「就業支援計劃」有幸請得培訓經驗豐富無比的「新教育」為大家免費舉辦此培訓工作坊,如此良機豈容錯失?行動決定命運,有意參加此免費培訓工作坊者,請致電華心會020-7613 1008王小姐,報名從速,以免向隅!

日期: 2011年9月15日
時間: 下午三點至五點
地點: 華心會
155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY.
(最靠近地鐵站為Old Street, 搭黑線Northern Line)

The CMHA Employment Project is nearing its close. Before the conclusion of this project in September, the organisers have decided to hold one last workshop, headed by Mr ChunXi Yu. Both English and Chinese speakers are welcome to attend this project which will encompass the best parts of Eastern and Western culture.

This workshop will encourage participants to explore issues surrounding personal development and obstacles to success whilst recognising that individuals have very different and disparate experiences. These lead to individuals adopting differing belief systems and values, influencing our response to the world we live in. This project will focus on the way in which different outlooks on life condition the individual response to success and failure, as well as aiming to help individuals pinpoint personal life goals and map a route to success.

This type of workshop usually requires a participation fee of £100+ however the CMHA Employment Project has managed to collaborate with New Education and is able to offer this workshop free of charge. So please do not miss this chance to participate in a rewarding and positive project which aims to nurture the individual and promote independent thought and growth.

All those interested please contact Miss Wong on 02076131008 for further information and to reserve a place on this workshop.

/Translated by Lavender Au

「就業與福利」工作坊Employment and Benefits Workshop



華心會「就業支援計劃」循服務使用者要求,特辦「就業與福利」工作坊,為服務使用者講解英國勞工就業組(Jobcentre Plus)為失業及求職人士所提供的福利及其他服務或支持。此計劃負責人將為服務使用者講解與勞工就業組的註冊程序,更進一歩分析各項有關福利如:求職者津貼(Jobseekers Allowance)、就業支助津貼(Employment & Support Allowance)、收入支助(Income Support)、傷殘津貼 (Incapacity Benefit),以助大家進一歩理解其中詳情,要甚麼條件、在甚麼情況下可申請哪項福利,及各項福利的分別。

除此以外,「就業與福利」工作坊亦為有意創立個人事業,成為自雇者(Self Employed)人士講解英國勞工就業組為這您提供的支助及服務。

華心會「就業支援計劃」的設立為幫助倫敦受精神困擾的華人求職,壓力龐大、難以入眠、焦慮憂鬰、精神難以集中、求職路上迷茫失落者?此計劃特為您而設!有意加入此計劃,及出席此「就業與福利」工作坊者,請致電 02076131008找王小姐。

日期:2011年 7月 28日
155 Curtain Road, EC2A 3QY London.
(最靠近地鐵站為Old Street, 搭Northern Line黑線)
聯絡:020 7613 1008 王小姐

In these times of economic difficulty, employment rates take a sharp dive and countless people not only find it harder to find work but also face more financial obstacles in their paths. However residents of England are entitled to receive financial help from the welfare state system. England's welfare system is extended to 7 main categories of beneficiaries- children, pregnant women, the incapacitated, pensioners, the widowed, unemployed and those from low income families.

In response to demand, the Employment and Benefits Workshop was founded to explain the benefit system and support lines already established by organisations such as Job Centre Plus. This project aims to explain the registration process by which the individual can obtain an allowance, the different types of allowance and support which can be obtained and aid the individual in identifying the financial benefits which best fit their needs and financial situation. This project also delves into the process of self-employment and the backing those wishing to become self-employed can expect from Job Centre Plus.

To clarify the criteria for participation, this project is only open to Chinese people with mental health issues wishing to gain employment. Mental health issues can range from mental illness to sleeping disorders, anxiety issues and stress, to feelings of isolation and helplessness. If you feel your personal situation matches any of these criteria please contact CMHA and Ms Wong at 020 7613 2008 for further information and to reserve a place at this instructive and rewarding workshop.

/Translated by Lavender Au