趙溪小姐為倫敦蓋爾斯(Guys)醫院義工治療師,此「認知分析治療」(Cognitive Analytic Therapy)為蓋爾斯醫院新發展的心理治療法。趙溪小姐道:「這是一個認知過程,其宗旨為幫助當事人處理一些困擾他們的實際問題,譬如一個很沒有自信,自卑的人,想找工作,簡歷卻一封都沒寄出,那他當然是不可能找得到工作;針對他的問題,我們要處理的是他的自卑感;自卑感這問題處理了,他求職的行為表現自會不一樣,有了信心,他將不再退縮一角沒有行動,討諸行動!」
有意加入華心會「就業支援計劃」,讓華心會在你求職路上伸出援手?或有意出席此工作坊者,請即聯絡華心會020 7613 1008與王小姐報名!
日期、時間: 6月27日下午一時至三時
155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY.
(最靠近地鐵站為Old Street, 搭Northern Line黑線)
The CMHA Employment Project has invited prominent psychologists and experts in related fields to deliver a range of workshops for service users. Last month Miss KC Lee took charge of a workshop centreing on the important quality of assertiveness. This month we have invited Misss Xi Zhao, a therapist reading a masters in psychotherapy and counselling to deliver a workshop following the principles of Cognitive Analytic Therapy. Msiss Xi Zhao is currently practising as a volunteer therapist at Guys Hospital whom have pioneered Cognitive Analytic Therapy as an innovative form of therapy which encourages self-improvement and builds self-esteem.
The focus of this project is to identify the relationship between thoughts and behaviour within the individual. The aim is to transform negative thinking which can hinder physical action into positive, proactive thoughts and matching behaviour.
An example of a person who would benefit from this workshop is a individual that wants to find work but due to low self-esteem has been unable to bring himself to send out a single CV to prospective employers. Cognitive Analytic Therapy aims to tackle the root of the problem which is clearly his lack of confidence. After this stumbling block is removed he can then emerge as a confident individual rather than allowing a negative mental state to hinder his own employment prospects.
Miaas Xi Zhao will first explain the basic concepts of the therapy process and the empowering results that can be obtained by going through Cognitive Analytic Therapy and then aid individuals in idenfication of mental obstacles they have placed in their own paths. After this, the group will then be led through small group discussions and exercises which aim to reveal individual mental frameworks and create positive and self-conscious individuals.
To take advantage of the high quality professionals that the CMHA Employment Project have lined up for this workshop please contact CMHA's Miss Wong at 020 7613 1008
/Translated by Lavender Au