此類工作坊收費一般數以百鎊計,現華心會「就業支援計劃」有幸請得培訓經驗豐富無比的「新教育」為大家免費舉辦此培訓工作坊,如此良機豈容錯失?行動決定命運,有意參加此免費培訓工作坊者,請致電華心會020-7613 1008王小姐,報名從速,以免向隅!
日期: 2011年9月15日
時間: 下午三點至五點
地點: 華心會
155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY.
(最靠近地鐵站為Old Street, 搭黑線Northern Line)
The CMHA Employment Project is nearing its close. Before the conclusion of this project in September, the organisers have decided to hold one last workshop, headed by Mr ChunXi Yu. Both English and Chinese speakers are welcome to attend this project which will encompass the best parts of Eastern and Western culture.
This workshop will encourage participants to explore issues surrounding personal development and obstacles to success whilst recognising that individuals have very different and disparate experiences. These lead to individuals adopting differing belief systems and values, influencing our response to the world we live in. This project will focus on the way in which different outlooks on life condition the individual response to success and failure, as well as aiming to help individuals pinpoint personal life goals and map a route to success.
This type of workshop usually requires a participation fee of £100+ however the CMHA Employment Project has managed to collaborate with New Education and is able to offer this workshop free of charge. So please do not miss this chance to participate in a rewarding and positive project which aims to nurture the individual and promote independent thought and growth.
All those interested please contact Miss Wong on 02076131008 for further information and to reserve a place on this workshop.
/Translated by Lavender Au
2011年9月1日 星期四
「就業與福利」工作坊Employment and Benefits Workshop
華心會「就業支援計劃」循服務使用者要求,特辦「就業與福利」工作坊,為服務使用者講解英國勞工就業組(Jobcentre Plus)為失業及求職人士所提供的福利及其他服務或支持。此計劃負責人將為服務使用者講解與勞工就業組的註冊程序,更進一歩分析各項有關福利如:求職者津貼(Jobseekers Allowance)、就業支助津貼(Employment & Support Allowance)、收入支助(Income Support)、傷殘津貼 (Incapacity Benefit),以助大家進一歩理解其中詳情,要甚麼條件、在甚麼情況下可申請哪項福利,及各項福利的分別。
除此以外,「就業與福利」工作坊亦為有意創立個人事業,成為自雇者(Self Employed)人士講解英國勞工就業組為這您提供的支助及服務。
華心會「就業支援計劃」的設立為幫助倫敦受精神困擾的華人求職,壓力龐大、難以入眠、焦慮憂鬰、精神難以集中、求職路上迷茫失落者?此計劃特為您而設!有意加入此計劃,及出席此「就業與福利」工作坊者,請致電 02076131008找王小姐。
日期:2011年 7月 28日
155 Curtain Road, EC2A 3QY London.
(最靠近地鐵站為Old Street, 搭Northern Line黑線)
聯絡:020 7613 1008 王小姐
In these times of economic difficulty, employment rates take a sharp dive and countless people not only find it harder to find work but also face more financial obstacles in their paths. However residents of England are entitled to receive financial help from the welfare state system. England's welfare system is extended to 7 main categories of beneficiaries- children, pregnant women, the incapacitated, pensioners, the widowed, unemployed and those from low income families.
In response to demand, the Employment and Benefits Workshop was founded to explain the benefit system and support lines already established by organisations such as Job Centre Plus. This project aims to explain the registration process by which the individual can obtain an allowance, the different types of allowance and support which can be obtained and aid the individual in identifying the financial benefits which best fit their needs and financial situation. This project also delves into the process of self-employment and the backing those wishing to become self-employed can expect from Job Centre Plus.
To clarify the criteria for participation, this project is only open to Chinese people with mental health issues wishing to gain employment. Mental health issues can range from mental illness to sleeping disorders, anxiety issues and stress, to feelings of isolation and helplessness. If you feel your personal situation matches any of these criteria please contact CMHA and Ms Wong at 020 7613 2008 for further information and to reserve a place at this instructive and rewarding workshop.
/Translated by Lavender Au
2011年6月23日 星期四
「認知分析洳療,如何做改變」工作坊Cognitive Analytic Therapy- How To Make Changes Workshop
趙溪小姐為倫敦蓋爾斯(Guys)醫院義工治療師,此「認知分析治療」(Cognitive Analytic Therapy)為蓋爾斯醫院新發展的心理治療法。趙溪小姐道:「這是一個認知過程,其宗旨為幫助當事人處理一些困擾他們的實際問題,譬如一個很沒有自信,自卑的人,想找工作,簡歷卻一封都沒寄出,那他當然是不可能找得到工作;針對他的問題,我們要處理的是他的自卑感;自卑感這問題處理了,他求職的行為表現自會不一樣,有了信心,他將不再退縮一角沒有行動,討諸行動!」
有意加入華心會「就業支援計劃」,讓華心會在你求職路上伸出援手?或有意出席此工作坊者,請即聯絡華心會020 7613 1008與王小姐報名!
日期、時間: 6月27日下午一時至三時
155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY.
(最靠近地鐵站為Old Street, 搭Northern Line黑線)
The CMHA Employment Project has invited prominent psychologists and experts in related fields to deliver a range of workshops for service users. Last month Miss KC Lee took charge of a workshop centreing on the important quality of assertiveness. This month we have invited Misss Xi Zhao, a therapist reading a masters in psychotherapy and counselling to deliver a workshop following the principles of Cognitive Analytic Therapy. Msiss Xi Zhao is currently practising as a volunteer therapist at Guys Hospital whom have pioneered Cognitive Analytic Therapy as an innovative form of therapy which encourages self-improvement and builds self-esteem.
The focus of this project is to identify the relationship between thoughts and behaviour within the individual. The aim is to transform negative thinking which can hinder physical action into positive, proactive thoughts and matching behaviour.
An example of a person who would benefit from this workshop is a individual that wants to find work but due to low self-esteem has been unable to bring himself to send out a single CV to prospective employers. Cognitive Analytic Therapy aims to tackle the root of the problem which is clearly his lack of confidence. After this stumbling block is removed he can then emerge as a confident individual rather than allowing a negative mental state to hinder his own employment prospects.
Miaas Xi Zhao will first explain the basic concepts of the therapy process and the empowering results that can be obtained by going through Cognitive Analytic Therapy and then aid individuals in idenfication of mental obstacles they have placed in their own paths. After this, the group will then be led through small group discussions and exercises which aim to reveal individual mental frameworks and create positive and self-conscious individuals.
To take advantage of the high quality professionals that the CMHA Employment Project have lined up for this workshop please contact CMHA's Miss Wong at 020 7613 1008
/Translated by Lavender Au
2011年4月20日 星期三
「壓力管理」工作坊 Stress Management workshop
地址:155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY (最靠近地鐵站Old Street, 搭黑
線Northern Line)
電話聯絡:020 7613 1008 (找王小姐)
Stress and anxiety have become a major part of daily life experiences in this modern generation. Nevertheless people often ignore the damages they bring by allowing stress and anxiety to accumulate over time. This develops into emotional and behavioural disorders, showing the important awareness of this issue.
Feeling stress or anxiety constantly can develop symptoms of muscle tension, shallow or fast breathing at the same time combined with a high heart beat rate, increased blood pressure, sweating and the secretion of adrenaline. If a person has been feeling stress or anxiety for a long period of time, they would prone to all sorts of physical symptoms such as insomnia, hair loss, headaches, dizziness, hypertension, sensitivity to cold and possibility to develop serious illnesses.
Aside from the vulnerability of health, mental health will be in great danger if someone is in a state of mental depression and over-stress for a long period of time. Without careful handling long-term depression or stress, it could lead to the occurrence of mental illness! Since stress is unavoidable in life, it then becomes a very important issue in finding ways to deal with different levels of stress in everyday life. With an appropriate response to these stresses, we can reduce the effect stress has on us.
Stress management can lower the levels of stress in everyday lives. CMHA Employment Project targets this point by inviting a clinical psychologist Dr Christine Tseng to be at the ‘Stress Management’ workshops. This workshop is for the purpose of service users to find out how to view stress in a positive manner and how to handle stress factors in everyday lives so as to look after mental health well-being.
CMHA Employment Project aims to Chinese in London who suffer from mental health issues to gain and retain employment. Anyone who is interested in joining the project or attending this free ‘Stress Management’ workshop, please contact the project worker Khim.
CMHA ‘ Stress Management ’ Workshop
Date: 27th Ap(Wed) 2011
Time: 11am-1pm
Location: CMHA
Address: 155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY (nearest underground station Old Street, take the Northern Line)
Telephone: 02076131008 (Khim)
Translated by Lilian Yong, Proofread by Nader Baydoun
地址:155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY (最靠近地鐵站Old Street, 搭黑
線Northern Line)
電話聯絡:020 7613 1008 (找王小姐)
Stress and anxiety have become a major part of daily life experiences in this modern generation. Nevertheless people often ignore the damages they bring by allowing stress and anxiety to accumulate over time. This develops into emotional and behavioural disorders, showing the important awareness of this issue.
Feeling stress or anxiety constantly can develop symptoms of muscle tension, shallow or fast breathing at the same time combined with a high heart beat rate, increased blood pressure, sweating and the secretion of adrenaline. If a person has been feeling stress or anxiety for a long period of time, they would prone to all sorts of physical symptoms such as insomnia, hair loss, headaches, dizziness, hypertension, sensitivity to cold and possibility to develop serious illnesses.
Aside from the vulnerability of health, mental health will be in great danger if someone is in a state of mental depression and over-stress for a long period of time. Without careful handling long-term depression or stress, it could lead to the occurrence of mental illness! Since stress is unavoidable in life, it then becomes a very important issue in finding ways to deal with different levels of stress in everyday life. With an appropriate response to these stresses, we can reduce the effect stress has on us.
Stress management can lower the levels of stress in everyday lives. CMHA Employment Project targets this point by inviting a clinical psychologist Dr Christine Tseng to be at the ‘Stress Management’ workshops. This workshop is for the purpose of service users to find out how to view stress in a positive manner and how to handle stress factors in everyday lives so as to look after mental health well-being.
CMHA Employment Project aims to Chinese in London who suffer from mental health issues to gain and retain employment. Anyone who is interested in joining the project or attending this free ‘Stress Management’ workshop, please contact the project worker Khim.
CMHA ‘ Stress Management ’ Workshop
Date: 27th Ap(Wed) 2011
Time: 11am-1pm
Location: CMHA
Address: 155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY (nearest underground station Old Street, take the Northern Line)
Telephone: 02076131008 (Khim)
Translated by Lilian Yong, Proofread by Nader Baydoun
「克服負面心態」工作坊 Targeting Negative Thoughts workshop
CMHA ‘Employment Support Scheme’ helps service users to strengthen their life skills and increase their self-confidence by organising workshops regularly for service users such as ‘CV Writing’, ‘Successful Interview’, ‘Communication Skills’, ‘Stress Management’ and etc.
In supporting this program, we recently invited a professional counsellor with a doctorate degree and a senior lecturer in business and marketing, Mr Lee Gan Quan to deliver ‘Overcome Negative Thoughts’ workshop for CMHA Employment Project service users.
This phrase ‘Your biggest enemy is yourself’ has been around since ancient times. Have you ever found yourself emerging thoughts such as ‘He thinks I am a failure!’, ‘Now I will not succeed in this exam/interview!’, ‘I will not succeed in getting this job!’, ‘If I fail, my life is over!’, ‘I am not a popular person and no one likes me!’, ‘Bad things always happen to me!’, ‘I am no good at anything!’ When you have these kinds of thoughts in your mind, you would have never suspected if they are genuinely real, therefore you feel frustrated, despair, lost, depressed and even have doubts about the value of yourself as an individual and so in action your performance is reduced and you take a negative outlook.
It is not because you really are a failure, or you fail your exam /do not succeed in interview that led you not been able to carry out positive actions but rather your negative thoughts.
At ‘Overcome Negative Thoughts’ workshop, Mr. Lee Gan Quan and participants talked about various matters in daily life and discussed personal thoughts when events occurred. Furthermore we found out how different thoughts or mental states of mind can lead to different kinds of behaviour. Throughout the practising process, we can see that negative thoughts or attitudes can have a direct impact on our behaviour. The above example shown that if you think exam/interview will not succeed for sure, you may appear lack of confidence or become panic in the exam room. This can lead to non ideal exam results.
Negative thoughts affects individual performance. It has an even more direct impact on interpersonal relationships. If someone firmly believes he/she is not a popular person, he/she often ignores other people’s recognition or appreciation. At the same time he/she is extremely suspicious of others. He/she regards others’ non-malicious comments as against himself. He/she accounts other party as defaming himself/herself. The default state of mind then consolidates him as an unpopular person. So the behaviour performance appears to be shrink, silence, avoidance, isolation, sad, unlovable, others find it difficult to get close and they will end up in poor interpersonal relationships.
In the workshop, Mr Lee helped participants to test personal negative thoughts and understand its consequences. Mr Lee Gan Quan explains further that negative thoughts can be changed and replaced with positive thoughts.
For example, if you feel everything you do is worse than everyone else: ‘He is more successful than I am!’ You can look at it in a different view: ‘I am not that bad!’ If you worry about redundancy might get to you and thinks losing the job means your life is over, you can try a different perspective such as ‘God has the best plan for you. No matter what happens, I will be fine.’
Negative thoughts often does not help in making things better, on the contrary, a lot of unnecessary time and energy will be wasted on worrying, fear, anger and resent, more importantly, if you switch to positive thoughts, not only you have no losses nevertheless a change in attitude can make you feel much happier and become more energetic. Along this lines, positive thoughts and attitude means better capability to deal with things when they go wrong.
Mr Lee Gan Quan summarises the workshop by saying ‘Let's make a start with our first step, learn to be aware of your own thoughts, observe your thinking, when negative thoughts pop out, replace them with positive thoughts immediately. After a period of time, you can see if there are any changes in your life. Following the build up of confidence, you will be more willing to persevere. And continue with the positive thoughts and attitude!’
Translated by Lilian Yong
2011年2月3日 星期四
精神健康講座/Mental Health Talk
日期:2011年2 月4日(星期五)
155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY. (最靠近地鐵鐵站為Northern Line黑線之Old Street)
電話:020 7613 1008 (王小姐/Khim)
What are your first thoughts upon hearing the term, “Mental Health”? Violence? Patients who would suddenly pick up a knife with the intent to murder? Random verbal outbursts? Mental illness sufferers can be difficult to predict, so should we avoid them, the further the better? – This is often the misconception and lack of understanding of mental illness. What mental health sufferers need is greater understanding and awareness of their condition and the necessary support and care, not living their lives in fear and exclusion. In the vast majority of mental illness sufferers, they do not exhibit any violent tendencies. What is prevalent among them is the sense of inferiority, a lack of confidence, loneliness, frustration and helplessness.
The subject of mental illness remains taboo in the Chinese community, to the extent that it is not discussed as it is perceived to not exist. Most people do not realise the importance of understanding mental illness and how to provide mental health care.
So, how do mental illness problems initiate? Do you know how many types of mental illnesses there are? Can mental illness be summarised so simply with the word “crazy”? Once an individual has suffered from mental illness, is their future now over?
CMHA is running an employment project to help previous mental health sufferers to find employment back into the workplace. – What are mental health issues? Overwhelming pressure in life, extreme fear or anxiety, insomnia, low self-esteem caused by past traumatic experiences, depression; all the above can be categorised as psychological and mental distress. If you are a London resident and feel that you personally are troubled by psychological or mental distress, or you are a mental illness patient, if you are job-seeking, please contact the project leader for the CMHA employment project, Ms Wong.
The CMHA Mental Health employment program aims to reintegrate people into society. We also work to improve people’s recognition and understanding of mental health, in particular, with the employment program seminar on February 4th held at the CMHA office. Are you interested in learning more about Mental Health, dispel the misconception and increase your knowledge? Would you like to know how CMHA can help your mental health and prepare you for the job market? Please contact Ms Wong and register to join this free seminar!
Chinese Mental Health Employment Seminar and Training Scheme
Date: Friday February 4th 2011
Time: 4.30pm – 6pm
Addres: CMHA
155 Curtain Road,
(The closest tube station is at Old Street on the Northern Line)
Tele: 020 7613 1008 (Ask for Khim)
日期:2011年2 月4日(星期五)
155 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3QY. (最靠近地鐵鐵站為Northern Line黑線之Old Street)
電話:020 7613 1008 (王小姐/Khim)
What are your first thoughts upon hearing the term, “Mental Health”? Violence? Patients who would suddenly pick up a knife with the intent to murder? Random verbal outbursts? Mental illness sufferers can be difficult to predict, so should we avoid them, the further the better? – This is often the misconception and lack of understanding of mental illness. What mental health sufferers need is greater understanding and awareness of their condition and the necessary support and care, not living their lives in fear and exclusion. In the vast majority of mental illness sufferers, they do not exhibit any violent tendencies. What is prevalent among them is the sense of inferiority, a lack of confidence, loneliness, frustration and helplessness.
The subject of mental illness remains taboo in the Chinese community, to the extent that it is not discussed as it is perceived to not exist. Most people do not realise the importance of understanding mental illness and how to provide mental health care.
So, how do mental illness problems initiate? Do you know how many types of mental illnesses there are? Can mental illness be summarised so simply with the word “crazy”? Once an individual has suffered from mental illness, is their future now over?
CMHA is running an employment project to help previous mental health sufferers to find employment back into the workplace. – What are mental health issues? Overwhelming pressure in life, extreme fear or anxiety, insomnia, low self-esteem caused by past traumatic experiences, depression; all the above can be categorised as psychological and mental distress. If you are a London resident and feel that you personally are troubled by psychological or mental distress, or you are a mental illness patient, if you are job-seeking, please contact the project leader for the CMHA employment project, Ms Wong.
The CMHA Mental Health employment program aims to reintegrate people into society. We also work to improve people’s recognition and understanding of mental health, in particular, with the employment program seminar on February 4th held at the CMHA office. Are you interested in learning more about Mental Health, dispel the misconception and increase your knowledge? Would you like to know how CMHA can help your mental health and prepare you for the job market? Please contact Ms Wong and register to join this free seminar!
Chinese Mental Health Employment Seminar and Training Scheme
Date: Friday February 4th 2011
Time: 4.30pm – 6pm
Addres: CMHA
155 Curtain Road,
(The closest tube station is at Old Street on the Northern Line)
Tele: 020 7613 1008 (Ask for Khim)
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